Аgrochemical company "Volzhskij Biosintez"
Corporate identity for an agrochemical company. We have developed a fresh identity, which helps to stand out from the competition. This is an excellent example of how a logo and corporate identity can form the right image in a conservative industrial segment. 

Manufacturer of biological and chemical plant protection products and fertilizers, as well as special products for crop production. The logo reflects the essence of the company's main product - agrochemicals for plants. The logo combines both the traditional element for the agro-sector - a leaf, and a crystal lattice, which symbolizes fertilizers. After rebranding the company began to look modern, as the emphasis was placed on bright graphics, unusual for the segment colors and accent fonts.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Brand identity

The company stands out from the competition with its "aggressive" graphics. Inspired by the variety of Russian fields and landscapes, the figures of the corporate style create endless variety of shapes and patterns. Somewhere the field skirts a river, somewhere it comes close to rocky mountains, and somewhere it huddles on a narrow flat surface next to a sea cliff shore.

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