Product line "Olis"
Packaging design for the food line of the Olis company, for the Crimean retail.

The Olis company was founded in 1992. At the beginning of its journey, the company was exclusively engaged in the production of mayonnaise, the range of which consisted of only a few varieties.

Our task was to refresh the design, but at the same time preserve the positioning and visual continuity of the entire matrix of the company's products. The appearance should correspond to the current ideas about a quality product, which is what Olis products are.

We have also developed an advertising campaign implemented through WEB, POS and outdoor advertising. The main goal is to convey to the consumer information about the redesign of the packaging, the main idea is that the product remains as good as it was in the previous package.

With the growth of production areas and the qualifications of employees, the production capabilities of the enterprise have also increased. In the following years the production of ketchup, tomato paste and mustard was launched. 

We made the packaging for them in darker colors, with the main emphasis on the food zone. Thus, we were able to favorably distinguish the product on the shelf, while maintaining visual continuity with the entire matrix of the company's products.

In 2003, sunflower oil appeared in the range of Olis products. This became possible thanks to the opening of another production site. 

The plant is equipped with modern equipment of the Swedish company AlfaLaval, which guarantees impeccable product quality and high productivity, which allows not only to produce butter in a wide range of packaging, but also to provide the production of mayonnaise and sauces with its own raw materials. 

We, in turn, have developed a recognizable and understandable for the consumer packaging for the entire line of sunflower oils in the middle price category. 

For gourmet meals, the company has launched a line of olive oils made from Spanish olives using traditional technologies. 

The design of the labels is made in a more minimalistic and austere style to emphasize the special status of the product in the line.

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