Identity development and support for an international brand in the field of agro-industry.
The organization conducts wholesale trade in Russian high-performance equipment, which has no analogues. Along with this, Agrotek is engaged in the sale and application of mineral fertilizers, spraying of crops, delivery of goods, acceptance and unloading of wagons and repair of agricultural machinery.
One of the main goals was to bring the brand identity to life and optimize its use across different media, as well as ensure visual integrity across the board.
Throughout the branding, the use of white and teal space allows the elements to breathe and helps the brand feel open and accessible, while also highlighting the clean color palette.
Перед началом работы мы просим клиентов ответить на несколько вопросов о своем бизнесе, это поможет нам лучше подготовиться к первой встрече

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